
アトピー性皮膚炎の社会問題化における近代医療批判の展開――一九八五 - 二〇一〇年新聞言説分析から


記事タイトル アトピー性皮膚炎の社会問題化における近代医療批判の展開――一九八五 - 二〇一〇年新聞言説分析から
著者 佐藤令奈
掲載号 58巻1号(177号)(2013-06)
ページ 19〜34
要約(英文) This study clarifies how the problem of atopic dermatitis in Japan developed criticism of modernity or modern medicine using discourse analysis of mass media and discussing the consequences and significance of this criticism. Atopic dermatitis initially emerged as an illness with causes attributed to modern lifestyles and was commonly referred to as a ‘civilization disease. ‘Although difficult to treat, many treatments recommended diet control for patients. Conversely, citing risks associated with diet control, some physicians recommended pharmacological treatment, in particular, the use of corticosteroids. However, pharmacological treatments were criticized since they present the risk of side effects. Consequently, patients developed critical views toward modern medicine from the viewpoints of lack of informed consent and the adequacy of using corticosteroids. Physicians countered this criticism against modern medicine by advocating “discussion of atopic dermatitis as a medical business”, which is a discussion of the confidence trick against the patients of atopic dermatitis and prepared the standard treatment. Recently, patients seem to be accepting the physicians’ claims. It is evident from this discussion that the criticism of modern medicine in the context of the physician–patient relationship, like the lack of informed consent or interventional pharmacological treatments, is losing effectiveness. Now is the time for proper criticism of modern medicine in order to restructure its effectiveness by revising the significance of the self-transformation of the modern physician.
外部URL https://doi.org/10.14959/soshioroji.58.1_19