


記事タイトル 近代日本の都市計画と統治――内務官僚池田宏の都市計画論の分析から
著者 西川純司
掲載号 58巻3号(179号)(2014-02)
ページ 53〜66
要約(英文) In the 1970s, many theories on the neighborhood protest movement reported negative effects from the development policy of the postwar period, and aimed to return to the value of life. They often criticized the Urban Planning Act of the prewar period and Hiroshi Ikeda, the Home Ministry bureaucrat who was its author, as the origin of development-oriented urban planning. However, we can find nowadays in the Anglo-Saxon world many govern mentality studies that are different from the conventional schema, “civil society / State (Capital)”.To understand better the characteristics of modern urban planning and its structure, we study Hiroshi Ikeda’s urban planning theory from the standpoint of govern mentality. Here we found that his theory was based on the practicalknowledge of trying to resolve hygiene issues in urban space, recognized asa social problem from the middle of Taisho period, by means of an adequate supply of sunlight. We show that he had great interest in the hygienic status of the residential environment, and considered promoting health by means of the regulation of the physical environment. In addition, we found that Ikeda’s urban planning focused on collective lives being objectified statistically, and that it had a structure which inevitably required aggressive intervention such as the restriction of individual freedom in order to reform sanitary conditions. These results indicate that the theories in the 70s on the neighborhood protest movement explain only one aspect of the problem of the city and its environment, and that therefore they overlook the problem concerning governmentality that mobilizes the resources to reduce the risk to society.
外部URL https://doi.org/10.14959/soshioroji.58.3_53