


記事タイトル 生活目標のコーホート分析――いかなる時代・世代において日本人の生活目標は変化したのか?
著者 阪口裕介・柴田悠
掲載号 59巻1号(180号)(2014-06)
ページ 21〜38
要約(英文) This paper aims to reveal in which period and cohort a life-goal changed in contemporary Japan by a cohort analysis using the data from the “Japanese Values” Survey between 1973 and 2008. M. Mita classified values with two axes, “Present - Future” and “Self-centeredness - Others-centeredness”, and indicated four types of values, “Pleasure (Present-Self oriented)”, “Love (Present-Others oriented)”, “Rationality (Future-Self oriented)” and “Right (Future-Others oriented)”. These four types were operationalized and had surveyed for 35 years. This survey revealed that a future-oriented value (“Rationality” and “Right”) decreased and a present-oriented one (“Pleasure” and “Love”) increased. Previous research considered the relationship between period or cohort changes and value changes being based on the aforementioned result, but they did not substantially clarify in which period and cohort these value changes occurred. This paper reveals it by estimating period and cohort effects separately. The results are as follows. First, concerning a period effect, the change from a future-oriented value toward a present-oriented one occurred and “Love” values increased since the 1970s. In addition, these value changes can be thought to be caused by tertiary industrialization. Second, concerning a cohort effect, “Love” values in the generation who experienced World War II during their infancy are lower than those in the other generations.
外部URL https://doi.org/10.14959/soshioroji.59.1_21